MANUKA Refreshing Mouth Spray

Product for mouth and throat


Manuka Honey

Manuka Honey

It combats bacterias and reduces the bacterial growth that causes bad breath, also protects and treats oral tissue from inflammation and retains moisture in the mouth.

Finger Root Extract

Finger Root Extract

It inhibits bacterias and viruses from inflammation, besides, it helps the mouth recover quicker and gives an oral tissue healing boost.

Indian Gooseberry Extract

Indian Gooseberry Extract

There is an antioxidant that prevents cell damage and inhibits free radicals in the mouth.

Menthol and Peppermint Extract

Menthol and Peppermint Extract

It gives a fresh breath, also reduces feeling queasy.



Who is suitable for MANUKA Refreshing Mouth Spray?

People who have a sore throat and are uncomfortable with their throat

People who have sputum and a cough

People who have a bad breath problem


Using 2-3 sprays at a time

Using mouth spray as often as needed

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